Submit your event details here...
It's easy to submit your events to The Pigeon magazine. Simply type in details into the box below and click submit. There are no guarantees that your event will be published but all submissions are considered equally. Listings in The Pigeon are free of charge but in order to guarantee your event is listed within our pages there is a small guaranteed placement fee.
For details, contact Matt on 0117 322 4939 or email
Deadline dates - 2024
Distribution of The Pigeon commences on the fourth Friday of the month. The magazine is normally distributed within 7 days.
Download PDF of deadline dates
The Pigeon magazine is hand delivered across Southville, Bedminster, Ashton, Ashton Vale, Windmill Hill and Totterdown on a monthly basis.
Copies of the magazine are also left at libraries, shops, clubs, community venues, theatres and restaurants.